Web Development Reference Sheet

HTML Reference

Hover over a Tag to see an example, of how the code is written!

Tag Definition Required Attribute
Used to define everything between its brackets that it
is HTML code.
Used to define the head area of a web page. Filled with
metadata (not specifically shown on the web page)
Used to define the title of the webpage. Always located
in the Head tags. The title will be shown in the tab title.
Ussed to define the body of the website. (what is shown
on the page)
Used to create a navbar to navigate your website None
Used to create different sized headings. h1 is biggest h6 is smallest None
Used to make bodies of text. None
Used to create a navbar to navigate your website None
Used add bold or italics to certain text. None
Used to create sections in your html. It allows you to code sematically.
Acts like metadata and isn't directly shown on web page.
Used to add an image to your website/td> src, alt
Attribute Use Value
id Used as a selector for an element to be designed in CSS Name
class Used as a selector for an multipule element to be designed in CSS Name
src Used to add a source URL/File path to an element URL
alt Helps screen readers describe the image. Also appears when
the image doesnt load.